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Registering on WorkSourceWA




Sign up for a WorkSourceWA account
Register as a Job Seeker:​
To activate and complete the registration on this website you must have access to your email account
  1. Click on Job Seeker
  2. Click on Sign Up
  3. Create a username and password 
  4. Go to your email and activate your WorkSourceWA account 
  5. Return to WorkSource WA and complete your profile
  6. Submit the profile information
Quick Job Search:
  1. Click on 'Title, Keyword or Job Number' to narrow your search results to specific jobs
  2. Click on 'Where?' Select the area you are willing to work 
  3. Click the yellow box with the magnifying glass to begin your search
  4. Remember to SIGN OUT/LOG OFF of EVERYTHING (to protect your personal information)​ 
Call IT Job Seeker Customer Support: #(888) 316-5627
  1. If an error code message shows up when registering profile (ex., "error code 5160")
  2. Forgot your username and password 
  3. If the information did not match (try a different email address)
Creating / Uploading A Resume to WorkSourceWA Profile​
Taking a moment to upload or create a digital resume on WorkSource WA will save tons of time and hassle when applying for jobs online.
From the WorkSourceWA Homepage, click on the "My Resume" tab:
If you already have a digital resume:
  1. Click "upload existing resume" and answer the profile questions
  2. Upload your resume by clicking "upload from a device"
  3. Click "My Resume Is Finished"
If you need to create a resume from scratch:
  1. Click "Use Resume Builder"
  2. Fill in each information box to flesh out your resume
  3. Be sure to save your progress
  4. When done with a section, click "save & continue"
  5. When finished with your resume, click "My Resume Is Finished"
Navigate back to the "My Resume" page and view your new resume. Now you can send your resume digitally to employers over the internet or through the WorkSourceWA website.

Market Yourself ✔

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